7 Massive Don’ts in Web Design By Top Web Design Firm

There is great competition among websites. Generally, the success of a website can be determined by the amount of traffic it can bring. However, many people make silly mistakes when designing a website.

The following article will explain what you should not do when designing or asking a firm to design a website. For more information, visit the top web design firm.

  1. Not Calculating the Attention Span

Consider a scenario when you open a website and if it doesn’t load, you become frustrated, right?

Well…According to a thumb rule, the attention span of a person lying in the waiting of opening of a website is 10 seconds.

Even if websites are interesting, even if the website delivers top-notch content, if it is not fast enough and does not deliver a smooth experience, that website is not worth among the eyes of potential internet users.

  1. Auto-Playing Video with Sounds

This is cancer. Not only it drains the internet users who are using a limited plan but also disturbs them. Imagine if someone has plugged in earphones or casually visiting a website inside the living room with his family.

Suddenly a video on the website suddenly starts and now that person also has to deal with the embarrassment.

  1. Opening of New Links in New Tab

This is annoying…. very annoying.

Plus, this disables the “back button” option. A user cannot go back to where he originally left the screen.

  1. Distracting Background and Shabby Layouts

A lot of people think that they should try to reinvent the wheel. Despite thousands of helpful layout tutorials on the internet, they are thinking of things which no-one applies to their websites.

While creativity should be appreciated, it is important to know that your web design should neither appear distracting with a shabby layout nor should it hurt the viewers’ eyes while scrolling.

Adopt a good color scheme. You don’t need all the colors of the rainbows. Pick appealing colors which will go well in combination.

  1. Absurd Cross-Development

Nowadays, most internet users access websites via their mobile phones and tablets. However, many websites don’t give as smooth of a mobile experience as they give on their desktop platform.

Both platforms are equally important for web designing. Make sure that you correctly optimize the images and the text on the mobile platform. For more information, visit the top web design firm.

  1. Too Many Advertisements

Frankly speaking, no-one likes advertisements. The lesser they are, the better your audience will feel. Even if ads are enabled on your website, give them a cozy corner so that they won’t distract an average internet user.

  1. Graphical Importance

Graphics are very much important for your website’s nourishment. However, don’t overstuff them. It is okay even if you don’t use high-quality images for sake of website’s speed.

The important thing is to use them in a balanced quantity. You don’t want your website to appear obsolete but also, you don’t want your website to appear poorly designed.

To design your website in the best possible way, visit the top web design firm.