Unlocking the Power of Report Triggers in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Report triggers allow developers to object code in response to events in the reporting subsystem.

For example, you could run custom code every time a specific report finishes generating. The code could process the report data, send notifications, update records, and more.

I first discovered report triggers while working on a custom warehouse management project for Dynamics 365 business central customization.

We needed to print packing slips automatically whenever a certain sales order report was generated. Report triggers provided the perfect way to accomplish this.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to using report triggers in your own projects:

Identify the Report

First, decide which report you want to trigger custom code. You’ll need the report’s object ID, which can be found in the report’s C/AL code or via the development environment object browser.

For example, the standard Sales – Invoice report has an ID of 309.

Create a Codeunit with the Report Trigger

Next, create a new code unit object and add a trigger for the report ID you want to use. Here’s an example:


Copy code

trigger OnAfterReportInvoice(var InvoiceReportId: Integer)


  // Your custom code here 


This will run after any Sales – Invoice report finishes generating.

Pro Tip: You can also use On BeforeReportTrigger to run code before report generation.

Add Your Custom Logic

Inside the report trigger, add whatever logic you want to execute. For my warehouse packing slip example, I inserted a C/AL code to print the packing slip for the order.

You have access to the report dataset so that you can process the data.

You can also call API endpoints, send emails, update records in the database, and more. The possibilities are endless!

Real-World Examples

To give you some ideas, here are a couple of real-world uses for report triggers:

  • Send a notification when an inventory report is generated showing low stock levels
  • Automatically email sales orders to customers when the packing slip is generated
  • Parse a customer statement report and update a database with account balances
  • Run credit checks via an API call whenever a sales order report triggers.

The key is the trigger lets you take automated action based on reporting events.

Wrap Up

Report triggers open up powerful automation possibilities in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Now that you understand the basics, you can start brainstorming how to use them in your solutions.

They provide an easy way to execute custom logic in response to key report events. The next time you need to automate processes or tasks related to reporting, keep report triggers in mind! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.